Name: Robert van der Vossen MSc. BBA. RA
Born: 27th of July 1985 in Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands
Work experience
I’m an experienced finance professional, a chartered accountant (RA) and the director of Van der Vossen Finance B.V. Van der Vossen Finance B.V. is an interim finance, and consultancy firm that provides tailor-made finance, management, and consultancy services to its clients. For more information visit the website of Van der Vossen Finance B.V.
Academic degrees
My academic degrees include a Master of Science in Accountancy (MSc.) degree from Nyenrode Business University and a Master of Science in Communication Science (MSc.) degree from the University of Amsterdam. For more information about my education background go to the education page.
- Van der Vossen, R. (2018). The value relevance of deferred tax assets and the influence of the credit crunch; a value relevance study of the effects of the credit crunch. Nyenrode Business University: Breukelen, the Netherlands.
- De Graaf, R.H. & Van der Vossen, R. (2013). Bits versus brains in content analysis; comparing the advantages and disadvantages of manual and automated methods for content analysis. Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research, 38 (4), 433-443.
- Van der Vossen, R. (2012). De thematische frames in de persberichten van vakbonden en hun invloed op de krantenberichtgeving over organisaties; expliciete en impliciete frames van een industrieel conflict. University of Amsterdam: Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Van der Vossen, R. (2011). Stress preventie op het werk. University of Amsterdam: Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
For more information visit the publications page.